

How Changingtides and our love for
photography came about!

In December 2016 we met on the incredibly beautiful and picturesque Daydream Island in the Whitsunday. We instantly connected with our love of travel and adventure (Our first date we jumped out of a plane).

Fast forward 6 years, 26 countries, half a lap around Australia, 3 drones, 2 cameras, a couple of followers and 1000s of hours on lightroom we have turned our little hobby of taking photos for ourselves into a small business. Currently on our trip around Australia in our 1990 Toyota Coaster. We hope to live, travel and maybe work our way around Australia for the next few years, taking beautiful photos of our country so you can come along with us.
We have worked with many companies and brands doing product photography, location shoots, fashion photography, tourism boards, experience and activity promotion shoots.

Our dream is to travel the world and capture beautiful content while we do it.
We never imagined that ChangingTides which started out as just a pretty Instagram page we did for fun would turn into a small business that we absolutely love sharing with you all.

We really do appreciate everyone that has watched us grow and thank everyone who has continuously supported us.

6 Years down and a life time to go.